This year one of my brothers had his first child. His name is Samuel, and he's the cutest little boy you've ever seen. Christmas night I helped bathe and change him into his little bear footie pj's. He is the first grandchild of my parents. Which automatically makes him the favorite. Anyways.... on to the reason for this post.
Every year before my family opens presents we read the Christmas story. It's a way my family keeps thing meaning real. This year was a little different, because we had a little baby in our midst.
As my eldest brother was reading the story, Samuel was blocking my view so I decided to look at him. I was thinking about Jesus being a baby. About the fact that he was fully God yet fully human.
Being a baby is humbling, which is why I think we don't remember it. He was fully God, yet he had to have somebody change his 1st Century diaper. Let me tell you it wasn't as easy as taking disposable Elmo off his tush. What person of royalty in our world would want to be treated like that? He could command everything and anything he wanted, yet he came to us as a helpless baby.
I hope this smacks you in the face.
I hope it makes you appreciate just all that he did for us.
We sing songs about little baby Jesus. But when do we grasp it? Did he have spit that somebody had to wipe off? Did he cry after he first woke up? He was dependent on Mary and Joseph for everything. They had to bathe him, feed him, change his nasty diapers and maybe his not so nasty ones.
Humbleness at it's max.
Do you think he remembered? Do you think he knew that he was the King of kings as they were cleaning his mess up? Maybe not. But it gives me something to think about it.
I don't like humbling myself. And I'm not even the King of Kings. But he's definitely taught me a lesson.
We truly serve an Amazing God.
thats all for now