
a little catching up to do.

ok. two things.
1. Over the summer I made this YUMMY tart. I guess I forgot to post it and I just found the pictures.

The recipe came from a magazine that I have. It was soo yummy. It's pie crust, a layer of chocolate. Cream cheese and whipping cream (i think) and strawberries. ohhh so delicious.And I can't even lie, that looks so awesome. I was so proud of myself.

Ok Next, We are suppose to get this Hurricane and Brian and I still aren't eating meat. So... I decided to make pizza.

Yah, thats right. be jealous. I made a margarita pizza. mmmm. Ok, so I made the pizza crust that I always make. Then while it was rising I cut up some Roma Tomatoes and in a bowl with salt, garlic, and olive oil let them sit in the fridge till I was done with the crust. I also wilted some spinach. Brush the crust with oil mixture. Mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, spinach, feta, and parmesan. I also added oregano and basil for extra goodness.

It was oh so good. I'm thinking about making some bread today. However I have homework I should do, so we will see.

oh yes and that is a pampered chef pizza stone.
thats all for now.
happy eatings :)


A washer for a tea pot

Wanna hear a funny story? I took a TAZO tea the other day, because I love it. It's the passion tea flavor that is Oh So Delicious. I put it in my pocket and thought nothing of it.

Guess what.... I washed it in the washer.
I thought that when I took the load of laundry out, it felt different then it should.... Probably because it had tazo tea bag flakes in it. Thankfully the packaging for the bag had plastic on the inside, so my clothes aren't tea colored. and if they were thank the Lord I like purple.

I thought you guys might get a kick out of it. I REALLY need to start looking in pockets before I throw things in the washer...Because now I'm out a delicious cup of passion tea.

thats all for now


From a Box to a Mansion

B and I right now are house sitting for a friend. And I can't lie, I'm a little over whelmed.

For those of you who dont know, we live currently in a box. I'm really not being dramatic (shocker). Our apartment is about the size of most people's living rooms and it really is just one room. Our Sink, T.V. Bed and Stove are all in the same room.

Needless to say, I never get away from Brian. And, He never gets away from me.

Right now we are staying in a 4 room 2 and 1/2 bath house. Saying it's a mansion would be dramatizing it, however it is just that compared to what we are use to. From my bed at this house, I am unable to read the clock on the stove... You laugh... but it's true. If I'm mad I can slam a door if I want, because there are doors to slam (haven't actually done it yet tho).

However, I can't lie. I kinda miss my box house. I like seeing brian. If I want to lay in bed and he wants to play on the PS3, we are a whole floor apart! I don't even know what to do with myself. Not to mention the cleaning. However due to the amount of space our messes do look smaller than they do in our box house. Also, theres something to be said about the small space and how quickly it makes you work things out. In the box house, you can't just walk away from the argument, where ya gonna go? The corner of the room?

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to move into a house. But I think I do like the coziness of our little Box house.

Anyway, I guess the point of this was just to rant. I'm not sure what I'll do with all the new space when we move. But for the next 3-4 months I will be thankful that I can make dinner and take a nap all in the same room.

thats all for now


Maine girl - Meat = death

For the last 13 days Brian and I haven't eaten meat. We are doing this for the whole month of August. It's been interesting.

Growing up the only kind of meal I knew was meat and potatoes. Thats really all we dad every night. If I was lucky my mum wouldn't feel like cooking and then it would either be pasta or tacos. Now, I've grown out of that cooking style. But still, what kind of meal is it if you dont have some type of meat. ... Like I said the past 14 days have been interesting. Unfortunately there have been a few repeat meals. And surprisingly we've only had maybe two salads.

Anyway the whole point of this post is to brag at my cooking skills .. well maybe not skills but rather guts at trying new things.

Yesterday for lunch Brian and I made this sandwich. And it was awesome! Yeah, it would have been more awesome with some chicken in there. But it was still good. You have to check it out. Even if to just be impressed that a all veggie sandwich could be that good.

Also: just a tip i left out the squash. because i dont believe in eating things that are named squash... because really if thats what you're putting in your body, what is it going to be called when it comes out... just at thought
thats all for now


These are my confessions - yes it is an usher song

Ok. So I realize it's been like 3 months since I posted. My mom said I should start again. And I just got a new mac so I'm using any excuse (besides homework) to be on it. These are my summer confessions.

-I'm lazy
- Summer Classes are aweful
- this is the first time since being married that I've really gotten to "play" wife
-i can spend more money in Michael's than I can in a clothing store
-i've gone through at least 3 different series of t.v. shows
-summer isn't summer until you have a grill.

.....i think thats it for now