

Yesterday B told me that he was going to make dinner for me after I got off of work. It made me happy, it's nice to come home and not have to cook supper. Usually he makes pancakes, which is fine he makes awesome pancakes. So naturally I was expecting chocolate chip pancakes when I got home.
I know the quality of the pictures is aweful. But you get the point. He had gone and boughten me flowers. And for supper he cooked steaks, twice baked potatoes, green beans and later he even made a cake. I came home and cried. It was so sweet. I love my husband.

p.s. this is the first time EVER he bought me flowers. :)

thats all for now


Obedience is better than Sacrifice

Sunday I had the opportunity to talk to a lady in our church who recently visited her daughter in college. She told me of a church that she went to; the church was larger. She told me that the church had many ministry groups, colorful posters and she said the worship was amazing. Then, a great sadness covered her face. She told me that the church wasn't preaching scripture. That while on the outside it looked great, at the heart of things it wasn't. She couldn't believe that all of the people sitting in the sanctuary had boughten into the lie of the church.

During the service at our church on sunday, the speaker talked about obedience. And how Obedience is better than sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15). (This was also the same lesson I taught my little ones two days before). I really meditated on this during the service.

I realized that our church preaches scripture every sunday. It values the authority of the scripture above all things.

I also realized that our church body, really loves each other. I know I'm still new so I dont hear all the drama. But I do know that for the most part they love each other. They'd be willing to do anything for one another. Just today I had somebody offer a room in their house for us this weekend because we'll be down there on Saturday and Sunday.

THATS what matters most.

While worship music is important. Good music isn't the most important thing in a church. Yes, churches probably have a lot more small groups than we do and are better at doing them. But those small groups that we have, focus on studying scripture!

I am SO blessed by our church.

Yes, not all of our services are perfect. People mess up. The speaker isn't always interesting. We might need things. We might need more money. Our church office might be leaking.


Our foundation is sturdy. The church was built by men who fear the Lord. And that will NOT change. We have valued obedience over sacrifice and that encourages me.

My prayer for you is that your church is preaching scriputre. That the Lord will open your eyes past the glitz and the glam of ministry. Is his name being proclaimed? Are they matching what they say with what scripture says? Does your congregation REALLY love each other? Is your church preaching doctrine. Do YOU as a person know what your church believes? I see so many people get sucked into a church that believes false doctrine and it makes me sad.

That is whats most important. Not good music, or fun small groups. But the authority of scripture and loving one another like Christ did.

thats all for now



It's (almost) fall and you know that means.


I went shopping this afternoon. And I bought a few decorations. I told myself I can't put out my pumpkin until Oct 1. but thats only 10 days.

I'll post pictures on our around Oct. 1. knowing me it might to get posted until november, But i'll try. :) Happy Decorating! I love fall. I especially love the little mini pumpkins that safeway sells.

soon i will be bying apple juice and cinnamon sticks. yummy!


a good spanking never hurt anyone.

She will deny this. But I promise it's true.

When I was in elementary school and my mom would ask me to do something, I would always ask her "Why". It could be ANYTHING. And I would still ask her why. So one day she had had enough of me and when I asked "why" after she told me to do something- She said and I quote "One of these days you're going to be playing in the middle of the road and when I tell you to move you will ask "why" and get hit by a truck because you didn't just obey". I love my mom.

Also, I remember once I got spanked. I got spanked good and I can't remember why now. But I do remember that the next day, I walked down the hall to my moms room in tears, turned around, pulled down my pants and screamed "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME". (mind you she was on the phone with her mother at the time). My mom had spanked me so hard the night before that her hand print was still on my butt the next morning. At this point in my life I can only imagine that it took everything inside of her to not laugh at that moment. In fact I almost remember her laughing, but I'm not 100% sure.

I love my mom.

I started a new job a month ago. I work for a before and after school care program in bowie. In the last month I have never been so grateful for my parents.

I remember I was in middle school and I had stayed home one day from school because I was sick. However, there was a dance later that night that I wanted to go to. And my mom despite all the mean things I said to her and the manipulating I tried, she wouldn't let me go. She said that 1. No means no and 2. If you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to do anything else.

It wasn't until I graduated that I realize all the good it did me. And every day I work at my new job I realize more and more stuff that my parents taught me. Mostly because I see kids who their parents haven't taken the time to teach them these lessons. Like about how to listen, and how to be obedient. Lessons about how we say we are sorry when we kick somebody and that no means no. No doesn't mean maybe, or yes, or keep asking, no means no.

Although I did learn that when my dad said "we'll see" it usually meant a no. (I hated that one)

I know that parenting is hard. And I know that I know NOTHING about it. But I do know that I will train my Child to the best of my ability in the way of the Lord. And so help me I will beat them if they disobey. I also know that I had pretty good parents growing up. I think I turned out ok, even if she did want to send me to boarding school when I was 14.

I love you mommy :)

P.S. I'm NOT pregnant.

thats all