
Just for Laughs

I believe God likes a good laugh. I really do.

So for anybody who has ever held a conversation with me knows how I feel about children and babies. Like, don't ask me to help out with VBS or the Nursery because somebody will end up crying by the end of the day. I could probably offend you with all my opinions, so I'll just leave the conversation here.

Moving on.

Do you know what you get when you start praying? You get answers to prayer. My prayer has been that God make me into the woman he wants me to be.......

Do you know what happens when you don't take pills as directed.

You get pregnant.



Not Kidding.


So yes. We found out on Fathers Day. I'm 12 weeks. 

For those of you who suck at math. We didn't find out until almost 8 weeks and even then it was a "naaa, but just in case" ........I could go on that show "I didn't know I was pregnant".

And again. For those of you who suck at math, (which I am one. *hello Bible College*) I am due in the beginning of February. 

I'll have pictures and all that cute, gag worthy stuff that pregnant people do when they are pregnant. But for now, you'll just have to settle with out. Besides, I'm not really showing anyway. 

Thats all for now....


Warning. It might break your heart.

"Like almost every country in the world, Morocco has difficulties concerning sex and marriage. However, Morocco's "little maids" have an especially difficult situation.
        Most of Morocco's unwed mothers are poor, illiterate women from the countryside who started working as domestic servants, "little maids", as young as seven. Handed over into enslavement by their families because of finical need, the girls spend long hours cooking and cleaning for better-off Moroccans. There fathers take what little money they make. After years of this, many girls will have sex with any man who is kind to them and promises them marriage. Countless others are raped (being the "property" of the man of the house).  Those who get pregnant often end up on the streets-- or worse. About half the women who get pregnant out of wedlock have been promised marriage. Other common causes of unwanted pregnancies are prostitution (14%), as well as rape and incest (7%).
       A woman is suppose to be a virgin when she marries, and needs to have a "certificate" of virginity. NOt being a virgin  brings shame on the family. Since extramarital sex is the ultimate culture taboo, unmarried mothers are ostracized, harassed and even threatened with death by their own families. So- called "honor killings" are illegal and rare in Morocco, do not occur, unusual for a young women to live on her own, and it is difficult for her to find a job to provide for herself and her baby. Sone turn to prostitution and about 40% of the unwed mothers abandon their babies anywhere they can, even in garbage bins, toto avoid social ostracism. According to one woman, "if I were to abandon my build, I would have as a zombie: alive but dead inside." An unwed mother can be persecuted for adultery or fonication and sentenced to prison for up to sex months (though this punishment is not often carried out). Some mothers leave the hospital right after birth without receiving proper medial care for fear of being prosecuted.
    Some believers in Morocco care for single mothers, helping them keeping their babies and finding employment for them. "

These girls need to know the Love and Grace of Jesus Christ! </3 it breaks my heart that they are lost in a religion that their god doesn't love them.

This month is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Brian and I are fasting for the whole month from T.V. that might sound trivial to you, but it's a pretty serious sacrifice to us (especially because the olympics are on this month). Lots of people don't seem to understand why I find it so important. I'm not celebrating Ramadan. My heart is BROKEN for the Muslims. So many in our country have hatred and prejudice against them. I have such a desire for them to come to the Messiah that I am more than willing to sacrifice trivial t.v. for 30 days if it means they can spend eternity with me.

My prayer is that Christians will have boldness to share the gospel with local Muslims. And Missionaries will also have the same boldness. Muslims are most vulnerable during this time.  Please pray for these girls, that their fathers will care more about the health and safety of their daughters rather than their families social status. Pray for them. I hope your heart breaks as mine does.