
Colligans get sick

The boys and I have been sick. JT got sick first, followed by Liam, followed by me. So awesome. Pretty terrible way to start stay-at-home-mom life. But it could be worse, we could be puking. 

So we've been sick and then Brian had to go on a two night retreat. Which we are use to, just not this close to moving. 

People have been so sweet. One of the pastors took JT to the play ground and the pool on Monday. (Which was the pastors day off) it still makes me cry if I think about it- it was so sweet. Somebody else brought me tea, and somebody else brought us dinner last night. Potbelly's at that. So thankful for the Body of Christ. I've been so blessed. 

So this morning I took a little boy outside to get his wiggles out. 
Shout out to nana wees who got JT these awesome 3D Lightening McQueen bubbles. 

Pray I continue to feel better. 

And Praise God for those who looked after me while B was gone. 


life so far

So I wrote another blog, that never got posted. BUT

My parents left a week ago, and we've officially been here for two weeks. We're adjusting well. Brian loves his new job. We really like it here. Saturday we go to the farmers market and get meat and veggies for the week. It's nice because there is no scary amish mafia guy, and everybody has the normal amount of teeth.

The boys and I have had fun. It's only the beginning of day 4. Jt loves to play outside, but we have to be in and out by 10am ish or wait until just before bed. It's weird staying inside in the summer.

Monday Brian went to work, which was weird because, 1. for the last four years monday has been his day off and, 2. I didn't go with him. I'm excited, but it's definitely weird.

I'm learning my new role. Learning how to love in help my husband as a home maker, and asking for God's grace every step of the way. The hardest is when JT asks (usually in tears) to go home. Or when we are talking to our fam, or wees he'll say "I want to come with you" or "Are you coming to my house?" He'll even tell me to make sure I feed Will. He doesn't understand. As hard as that is, I know he will have new people to hang out with, and new people who will love him. God is so faithful to place people in our lives when we need them. Right now I'm enjoying a slower pace of life.

Jt is getting sick. Couldn't be a worse time. (not that there is a good time for your child to get sick)

Pray I continue to press into Christ through all these changes.

Praise God for the body of Christ. We've had so many people check in with us, making sure we are ok. If we need anything. I have been given a list of doctors and nail salons (priorities right?). We've had people take us out to dinner. I spent time with the women's ministry director. God is good.

Ok, this has gotten too long - as some point I'm sure you started skipping through. Off to change a dipper. Yay for my new job!




We've made it.
The plane ride went well. I'm so thankful my parents came to help. Flying with one kid is super easy compared to two. I learned I can't fly with two on my own. Struggle. Is. Real. 

Praise the Lord for the Body of Christ.  We had trouble getting in our apartment because I needed to pay by check. Which was on the truck. But somebody came to our rescue. 

The truck pulled up and magically a small army showed up. They probably in loaded in a half an hour. Talk about overwhelming. We thought it was going to rain and it did, but it stopped before Brain got here. 

We've been so blessed. People put together our room and the boys room. We had teens organize all their toys and books. Somebody unpacked all of our clothes. People brought baskets of food, bought groceries, toilet paper, paper towel. People were washing our dishes aim any sink they could. We had teenagers running around with HT. and admist the crazy was this one. 
Passed out! 

Thank you all who have helped and prayed. From here to Maryland. And a special thanks to my parents who helped me travel, and to Davey who came down with Brian. Driving 20 outs in a Penske is no joke. 

Pictures of our place coming soon! 


The end is not near its here

Fourth of July was a bust- we were suppose to to the DC thing but it rained. So we just came back to fairfax. And by rained I mean poured for a half hour at least 
Then Monday the movers came. 
Then that night we said goodbye to our fam. Which was probably the hardest thing yet. 
It's all becoming very real. I'm in fairfax with the boys and my parents. Brian is somewhere in Tennessee. Pray for them. Pray they arrive safely in Texas 

Pray all goes well with the official lease signing .

Praise God that all of our stuff fit in that truck and our car. 

Pray I have enough diapers to last tonight and tomorrow. Potty training will commence in Texas.

Pray our flight and car rental process go well. 

Pray nobody steals our stuff from the truck. 

Tonight the boys and I say goodbye to Brian's parents- pray for that as well. 


Prayer update

We are set for our lease. They have been having trouble with their system so they will prorate our rent. 

Tomorrow I'll call and see what I need to do about power. 

Tomorrow is moving day. We're not ready for movers. 

Pray all goes well. 

SUPPER stressed out