
The difference

People keep asking us what is the difference between Maryland and Texas. What are our first impressions. So I thought it would be fun to make a list. 

Texas is obviously flatter, which is fantastic for JTs car sickness. 

Texas is dryer in humidity than MD. BUT still not as dry as I thought it would be. 

I've almost gotten into two accidents because of stop signs and stop lights. Who puts a stop sign in the middle of a 4 lane high way! 
Also their lights are foolish. 
That's 5 lights for the turn lane. 5! One yellow light blinks to yield. But one doesn't blink, but they don't last as long as they do in MD  so you actually have to stop instead of playing the go faster game. It's super confusing. 

I'm in food heaven. Most of the food places are tex mex. we went to this place that sells bulgogi (sp?) tacos. It was awesome. 

Starbucks is everywhere. - Goodbye crappy Charlotte Hall DD. 

The roads are a different color. 

Everybody has a pool. And they never close it for the winter. 

The teenagers don't wear shoes. 

Everybody is super nice. And not just the people who we meet at church. But the maintenance guy had a full conversation with me. As well as ALL the check out people. At first I was weirded out, but I think they are just nice. -- yet I miss the mean new englanders 

The farmers market is more like a trade show? For lack of a better way to describe it. Like obviously you have farmers selling the most amazing peaches ever, but then you have legit people selling wine, cheese, olive oil, grass fed beef, salsa. It's really cool. It's our favorite Saturday thing. In MD the farmers market are either the Amish. Or creepy people selling junk- more like a flea market. 

In the time it took us to get to Grace from our old house, we can now drive to Dallas. I love it. 

The only place we saw Cowboys was at the state fair. 

People don't have an accent. Or at least the majority. 

The east coast is still way prettier, but this was pretty amazing 
Toll. Tolls. Tolls! Everything is tolled. And you can't even pay! You HAVE to get a toll tag. 

There are a lot less chain restaurants compared to the 'dorf. Which we love. There is only so many times you can go to chili's before it gets old. 

I think the air is better for JT. He is sick but his breathing is still way better than it would be normally. So praise God for that. 

Almost all windows are tinted. And most people use those sun things that fit on the dash. Being from Maine I use to think they were silly. I now understand I need one. That Texas sun is no joke. 

Everybody stays inside during the summer. If JT and I go outside, we have to do it before 10:30 because after is just too hot. 

Charlotte Hall was more redneck than it is here. I don't like redneck. 

I'm sure I'll find more differences. It's a whole new exciting adventure. 


The State Fair of Texas!

Last week we went to the state fair. Which is more like an amusement park. It was insane. The Northern Maine Fair had nothing on this.... Although I'm not sure Northern Maine one-ups anything (except mosquitos and beautiful scenery.)

We had a ton of fun. We went and saw the stingrays and all the fish.
he wasn't to sure about the turtle, he thought it was going to hurt him.

We had to take our picture with big, tex. It was the beginning of October, and it was 80 degrees out that day, it was so beautiful.

JT wasn't in the best of moods, but I think thats because he was sick. It was so much fun. However i'm pretty sure i have the only kid who won't eat fair food. Everybody passed out on the way home. <3. Sorry for the lack of blogs, my phone isn't working and sitting down to the computer takes more effort then I am willing to give. Love you all!

oh and big giant thanks to tish who gave us her stroller before we left Maryland. Liam loved sleeping in it. And I loved that I didn't have to wear him.