
Messy Monday

Mondays are either grocery and baking days, or nobody gets dressed and stay in PJ's. Last monday we baked, but because of all the thanksgiving baking I want to do later in the week, we didn't bake today. 
My mom posted a picture on FB of her back yard and how it was snowy. So I decided I'd take a picture of our "back yard". Super thankful that today it isn't snowy.

Part of my job is to be a home maker right?  I'm not sure this counts. I needed to organize the boys clothes so I could put JT's stuff away for Liam, and so I could take Liam's stuff to the consignment store. I also needed to organize it, because this drives.me.nuts. Every shirt type and size should have it's own pile. 

Just keeping it real. Happy Monday!  There is no Young Life which means Brian has to work longer, but he'll get to eat dinner with us. I'd call that a win! Enjoy your day!
- J

Adventures of the Colligan circus

Monday night after we got in from DC we had NO food in the house. So we went shopping early yesterday morning. The boys always do Better in the morning. 

Except yesterday morning. 
I'm so thankful for Dannette and Sharon for teaching him to walk like this. He doesn't do it always. But he will when I ask him to. 
The lady at the deli counter chased after me and handed me two fresh cookies. She said she bought them for the boys to help them shop better. 
Notice the missing sock. This was probably the 2 hour into the shopping trip. 
Homeboy passed out on the way home. Slept from 1-4:30. He partied hard with will. 

There was also a mad dash to the potty with the door left proped open by the cart. Because you can't bring a cart full of food into the bathroom. 

Never a dull moment. Love these boys. 
Pictures of our DC trip coming soon. 



Sorry It's taken so long, we're a little past Halloween. We had such a good time with Maeve (Brian's littlest sister) while she was here. I don't know yet what I think about Halloween as far as the kids are concerned. I like the idea of dressing up and free candy. We treat Santa like Mikey Mouse. Not real, but a fun aspect of the Christmas Season. Anyway nobody cares about my opinions.

We had a good time making cookies. Well JT lasted all of 3 seconds. Clearly these pictures posted in the wrong order, but you get the picture. We finally convinced him to get dress and his pirate jake costume looked suspiciously like Spiderman, but all it all was a good evening. Diana, let us trick 'er treat with her in her neighborhood, and Randy was kind enough to let her. The top picture is them playing swords with JT.

Some idiot gave Liam a lollipop, and before I could pry it out of his little hands it was soggy and wet.  Who gives an 8mo old a lollipop! Oo and he was pissed to when I took it away from him.

Brian went as a lumberjack. Which did nothing for me. and I went as the cool mom. Wait. Thats me every day.

Hope everybody had a good and fun halloween! (If thats your thing)
OH the biggest win of the night.. All I wore was a light sweater and a scarf. It was a perfect 70 something degrees out. Take that Maine! I could never do the halloween thing growing up.

(1. because my parent's would let me. 2. because we lived in the middle of fields. and 3. and most importantly because it's like 40 degrees out at halloween and you have to wear your costume over your snow suit.)