Maryland has had tons of snow days this winter. WBC has only had 1. (Dont get me started)
However on that glorious Thursday morning I woke with the urge to cook.
My other awesome sister in law got me a cook book for Christmas. It's "The Pioneer Woman" Cookbook. (AH-MAZING)
In it, there was a french muffin recipe I was DYING to try. Well what better opportunity was there than a snow day. These aren't ordinary muffins. These are muffins rolled in butter and then rolled in cinnamon and sugar.
But they are SOO worth it.
Brian and I had some of our friends over and I made them breakfast and then I got started on these muffins. They were wicked easy.
They came out of the oven BEAUTIFULY.
If you'd like to try this recipe, you can find it here
I highly recommend it. However, they go fast and in number. I think one of our (guy) friends had 4.
Thats all for now