
when i grow up....

I've had to face come harsh realities about my life in the last... well, 24 hours. I will share some of them with you
1. I will never have money, (I'm going into ministry)
2. I will do a lot of work I will never get paid for ( a wife)
3. I will probably end up having children (no matter how hard I pray against it)
4. I will have to find some other way to make money (too many jokes here)

Last night B asked me what I wanted to do with my life and other than youth ministry I could think of anything. This was followed by tears and choruses of "I suck at life" and "I'm not good at anything"

Jesus is so funny sometimes

A couple of days ago a friend asked me to create something for her. She's having a graduation party and she wanted little invitations that looked like Graduation Caps.

This is what they look like.

Yes. I created this. Yes, I'm awesome.

Jesus reminded me that I am pretty crafty. I love making things and being one of "those" ladies. I will be the old lady that starts the crafting community at church....And I think I'm ok with that. (It's better than being the crazy cat lady.)

So, I've decided I'm going to start selling these. Among other things my brain decides to create. For any of you who have somebody graduating this year pass the word a long.

It's $1 for the first 50 invitations and $1.5 every invitation after that. They can be made in any color combination suited for your school.

So the moral of this story Is that Jesus is going to provide for us no matter what. And maybe in a few years after I get out of this vortex called WBC, I'll be able to start doing crafty things as a full time gig.

thats all for now


2 months

Sorry For those of you who care. It's been almost 2 months since my last post.
You can blame it on my school work. I'd take a picture of my apartment so you'd see the explosion but I thought this would get the point across better:

Yep thats my collamore apartment at the moment. Thats my wife life, eating nothing but frozen food and or 30- minute meals.We weren't even able to go grocery shopping this week. Which is in a way a blessing because now my freezer will be cleaned out.

Although I did open the refrigerator this morning and something had died... I quickly shut the door and walked away. It was one of those "oh gosh!" moments. The kind that scare you. I'm pretty sure it's left over potato soup that stinks. It's gotta be at least two weeks old. No judgments.

I expect to live in this nuclear explosion until it's time for us to move in June. Move you say? Yeah, Thats a whole other post.

thats all for now