You can blame it on my school work. I'd take a picture of my apartment so you'd see the explosion but I thought this would get the point across better:

Yep thats my collamore apartment at the moment. Thats my wife life, eating nothing but frozen food and or 30- minute meals.We weren't even able to go grocery shopping this week. Which is in a way a blessing because now my freezer will be cleaned out.
Although I did open the refrigerator this morning and something had died... I quickly shut the door and walked away. It was one of those "oh gosh!" moments. The kind that scare you. I'm pretty sure it's left over potato soup that stinks. It's gotta be at least two weeks old. No judgments.
I expect to live in this nuclear explosion until it's time for us to move in June. Move you say? Yeah, Thats a whole other post.
thats all for now
that was basically our life when we decided to move out, the place didn't get cleaned until the day we moved, lol. i think I did about 10 loads of laundry that weekend, and some of our silverware and dishes just went into the dumpster, lol.