
Orange Whoopie Disaster

Ok so I'm addicted to this new site; cookiesandcups . The person who writes it is pretty funny and she usually has good recipes.

I mean I love them. So when somebody posted on my wall I thought I would give them a try.

Look at how cute and perfect these are. Perfectly pumkiny orange. They are actually Chocolate whoopies just dyed to look orange.

Did you know there is a difference between liquid food coloring and gel food coloring?

Me either.

Did you know that if you put enough food coloring in, it'll mess with the recipe?

Yeah, I thought it might. But I wanted to take my chances anyway.

Last night (after i added almost all of my orange food LIQUID coloring) at 9:30 Brian and I went to safeway to find Orange Gel food coloring. Praise the Lord we found some.........But they still came out like this

They look more like Potato Shaped window clings than they do pumpkin shaped whoopie pies.

needless to say they were a fail. They are rubbery and gross.

I may try this again tonight. Or I may give up, it depends on how tired I am.

And if i do try to make these again. I am going to use my families whoopie pie recipe. Cuz well, it's awesome. For now I am just going to stare at the picture and dream. Less calories this way.

Thats all for now,

1 comment:

  1. when you make them again...we'd be happy to test them for you!
