Warning. This blog post will contain Gag worthy pregnancy things. If you wish not to see them..... then dont.
Total weight gain: Last time I went to the Dr. I Lost weight.Maternity clothes? Not yet
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: minus the fact we're sleeping in a smaller bed - sleep is the same, just weird dreams
Best moment this week: getting to move back down stairs
Miss Anything? A nice tall fountain Coke
Movement: nope
Food cravings: Baked potato soup... and it's like 90 degrees outside.
Anything making you queasy or sick: still the thought of opening the fridge
Gender: Dont know yet
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Sleepy, and SUPER cranky... My poor husband
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: moody, totally moody
Looking forward to: When all of our stuff is unpacked and not in piles on the floor

... No But Really.... The Lord is leading you too.
Anyway I'm 12 weeks and a handful of days. I go for another Dr. Appointment next Tuesday. I hate those things. It's always traumatizing when I go. They are poking and prodding me with all sorts of scary sharp objects. The first time I gave blood I cried. No, Not Kidding. The lady taking my blood looked at me and said "How are you suppose to have a child if you can't handle this"....... I not so calmly or nicely said "I WASN'T SUPPOSE TO HAVE CHILDREN".... She's been nice to me. I think she's afraid I'll punch her. I'm serious.
However, thats all the baby talk I can handle for one day. I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight all.
thats all for now
- J & little boo
p.s. NOT taking name suggestions, I feel fine, and I want a boy. -- for those of you who are interested. Oh and you might want to pray for my ever loving and faithful husband..... Poor thing, I'm super crazy.
I am happy for you Janelle! Congrats
ReplyDeleteOmgoshhhh!!! I love the pics and details!! I love you both soooo mucho!!