

I've had a lot of people asking questions about Texas, and saying they wanted to keep in touch so they could see the boys grow. I figured I'd start blogging again, instead of clogging up Facebook.

If you don't care about our new adventure, you don't have to read it. But I know there are some that do. (Mostly our moms)

So here are my short thoughts on Texas (because nobody likes to read long boring blogs).

  • I'm incredibly excited about this new adventure. 
  • I'm Praising God for this opportunity and answer prayer
  • Brian's job will be perfect for him. I would be a fool to say no to this.
  • I'll get to stay home with the boys. Which I'm equally terrified and over joyed about. Missing milestones, or sacrificing quality time with my sweet boys has been increasingly hard.
  • I'm going to miss our family.
  • I'm scared I'm going to be lonely, even though I'm an introvert 
  • I hate hot weather
  • I also hate cold weather and Maryland had an identity crisis and thought it was Maine this winter.
  • I'm heartbroken about leaving the teenagers.
  • I'm excited about getting to love and minister to the teens in Texas. Brian and I have already been praying for them...
All in all, when we visited Texas a month ago, I knew thats where God wanted us to be. 

We'll be living in Richardson Texas in a two bedroom apartment. The church is called Woodcreek Church. We're having movers come and pack whatever I can't get done. Brian is driving the truck with one of his friends from college on July 7th. I'm flying with my parents on the 8th. 

Pray that stuff gets finalized with the apartment complex. We've (the leasing company and I) both (through email) confirmed everything but she keeps forgetting to send me the actual lease agreement. In maryland that means something shady is going on, so I'm hoping it's just a culture thing and we really do have an apartment to move into.

Pray as we finish up here, that we finish well. We are both exhausted and we have lots to do. 

Pray for teens, both here and there. That this transition will go smooth. That hearts are prepared.

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