
Colligan Life.

This time next week I will have just picked JT up from school.

Praise. The. Lord.

I'm glad I'm home with him. I'm equally glad he will be going to school 2 days a week. I have mixed emotions because for the first time in 2 years it's somebody new taking care of my son.

No Dannette. No Sharon. No Lauren.


I'm surviving.  Brian is thriving.

Sharon and Caner come next weekend and we couldn't be more excited.  JT is super excited. I can't wait for him to see them.

Brian and his youth team put together a big back to school night for the middle and high school. There were over 80 students. It went well, but both of us thought it could have gone way better.

A lot of churches in our area are doing this thing called explore God. The purpose is to start a conversation about God. To explore who God is. Check it out at www.exploregod.com  BUT I'm super excited. Over 360 in the DFW are participating in this. Inviting people to just talk bout God.

We're doing it with the teens. I will be co-leading a High School senior group.

Pray that teens will have the courage to show up to youth group the next couple of weeks.
Pray they have courage to ask questions.
Pray the leaders have the ability to sit back, keep their mouths shut, and listen. (we all know my       inability to keep my mouth shut)
Pray that teens will invite their friends.
I just want them to come. They don't need to make a life decision right away. I just want to plant seeds. I just want them to be curious enough about God to give us a shot.


OH and I'm potty training starting Thursday. The tree-day method. I'm either a genius, or an idiot.

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