But thats not the point of this blog.
I have unofficially graduated from Washington Bible College...
I say unofficially because I still have an exit test and a few things of paperwork left. BUT. I no longer have to take classes.
Now I have a Choice. I have a choice to become stagnant and plateau or keep growing.
In Bible College we hear stories of people that graduated who.... you'd never guess went to Bible College. I hear stories of people who have turned bitter and vulgar. Or you hear about the graduate who knows everything and brags about it, but doesn't live their life like they know everything. Another horror story you hear is about families that are ripping apart at the seams.
I dont want to be one of those.
Today a man in my church got up to preach. He's not the pastor, just a man with a Bible College degree. (WBC graduate at that!)I'm not sure if he graduated from seminary or not. He stood at the pulpit and preached ... an amazing one at that.
Anyway. The point is. He has chosen day after day to follow Christ. To pick up his cross and have a continuous relationship with Jesus.
I don't want my degree to just be a degree.. (Because I will never be paid for what I went to school for-- but thats a whole other thing)...
Its easy. Bible college acts like a crutch to get you through your Christian walk. We go to Bible classes. Have chapel. We are surrounded by other believers. It's a bubble . ...
Well in 6 days my bubble will burst. And I'll be out in the real world.
I want to "live" past Bible College.......I want to run with endurance.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and wsin which clings so closely, and xlet us runywith endurance the race that is zset before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, awho for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising bthe shame, and cis seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Gets me every time.
Thats all for now.
Great points. Only I would add that there are many "greats" who have graced WBC's walls. But you really only hear of the bad. :) just ask Jim Schuppe some time. I am astonished when he picks up a commentary or bible and rattles off who he knows that studied at WBC. Not to mention all the wonderful missionaries, ministry workers, and people who are in the workforce that love Jesus. :) yep I look back at WBC with proud reflection.