See that dot that says limestone? I live just about there. The Maine you're thinking of looks like this.
So yes, Brian and I went to maine for Christmas. And we needed to make a yankee swap gift
(White elephant for those of you Marylanders)
So we made Red Velvet Cake Balls.
You start out by making a cake Like you normally would.
Sorry, I ate a little before I took a picture. It was just soooo good!
Then. You break it up in to your Kitchen-Aid (If you have one).
Just between you and me, I'm bitter that my mom has one and I don't cuz they are WAY cool.
Ok so anway. you need to crumble it so it's this crumbly cake mush.
Then, You take a can of store bought frosting. We used Cream cheese and used the whole tub
of it, you could get away with less. ours had a little too much. yes i said too much frosting, shoot
So you mix the icing and cake together in your kitchen-aid (you know, if you had one)
Then, you have to make them into balls. We tried a mellon-baller, but it was too tough to get the
cake out due to all the frosting. SO, we use an ice cream scoop. I think this was a 2 Tbs scoop.
However, I am probably wrong.
Then you stick this out side... Oh right. most people dont live in
maine and convert your entry way into a walk in freezer. Ok so you put them in the refrigerator.
I almost think we let these chill over night.
Next you melt some chocolate....
there's something you need to know about my family, we are serious chocolate makers. none of
this heat in microwave crap. nope tooooo snobby for that.....
on the stove... over water... with crisco in it...
NOTE: you can use wax, which is what we'd use forever, yes they make special bakers wax.
However, I had a friend tell me she used crisco in her chocolate. My oh My does it make a
difference... .they take longer to set up with crisco, but my dad said "it's not nearly as waxy as
before" .
And, you dip.
We did both dark and white chocolate. the white was extremely tasty... However....
When using too much frosting, the cake balls are very mushy even after spending the night in
the entry way... i mean freezer...
So. tiny bits of cake ended up in the white chocolate after dipping...... which ended up turning the
chocolate pink........ which then we had to put sprinkles on them so you wouldn't notice.
Let set. and enjoy. we made a bazillion cake balls and even gave tons away. so note that you'll
end up making alot.
these are wicked (yes i just said wicked) easy. If you haven't tried them, you should.
thats all for now.
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