I'm doing this post in 2 or 3 segments. This is for your benefit, because it will probably end up being a REALLY long post if I don't break it up.
If you watch day time T.V. these days it's all about making people over. They usually have a mom who no longer feels beautiful and they make her over.
This episode it was a mom who was too busy taking care of her children to really take care of herself. At the end of the segment the host of the show says "Just remember it's all about taking time for you".
I chewed that over for a while. Pretty much all day until youth group time.
"Take some time for you".
I believe in taking personal time to relax and regroup.
Taking care of other people can be burdensome. Serving people gets tiring. I know this, but I also know that I don't know it like a mother does. Right now it's just Brian and I and washing dishing and doing laundry can get old fast. Even though I get tired, I'm not foolish enough to think my life is harder than someone with children.
However, the context in which; "Just remember it's all about taking time for you" was said, I believe is selfish. Before you get mad and close the window hear me out.
This is what the person meant when she said "Take time for you"
"Take time for you; and take a shower"
"Take time for you; and by new heals"
"Take time for you; and do your hair"
"Take time for you; and rest"
"Take time for you; and take a nap"
"Don't do that for your kids, relax; take time for you"
Now. All of those things are good and important. We do need rest. We do sometimes need a shower. We do need to take time away and relax. Not getting burnt out is important. However, If it's not done properly it will just create bitterness and wont actually produce rest.
Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, maybe you think i'm a fool. Thats ok. I challenge you to think about it. And come back tomorrow when I write more on it.
Bitterness: It's really easy for me to get bitter at Brian for not doing the dishes, or not taking out the trash. Or helping me around the house. (not so much now because I don't work. but when i was working). I wanted HIM to serve ME. Because, who doesn't want to be served.
22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Probably, one of the most incorrectly quoted passages in scripture. And even thought it's said at most Christian weddings I'd say 10% actually understand what it means or even agree with it.
Verse 24: Says that wives need to submit to their husbands and the church submits to Christ.
Submit: To accept or yield to a superior for or stronger
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