
Birthday Boys

I can't believe the boys are 3 and 1. My sweet babies are growing up. Liam is trying so hard to walk. And JT is slamming the door out of anger......

Last week we celebrated their birthdays. I didn't want to have a big party because 1. We have no money and 2. We don't know enough people. So we just had some very special people over for pizza and cookies and we played. It was perfect. 


Valentine's Day

I'n sorry that I didn't really post in Jan. I was having a pitty party about missing my friends and other various things. Not only that but we literally haven't stopped since we got back from Maryland. It's just been one thing after another. 

anyway. I'm thankful that I have friends who told encouraged me to take out my boys. I want to make days like, birthdays and Valentine's Day special so that when they are married, they make their wives feel special. 
Jt was not impressed that he had to wear a button up. He HATES button ups. Which I don't understand. He just looks so handsome! I told him that there are some dates that you can dress casual but this wasn't one of them. I also made him wear his blue suede shoes. 
  We went to Olive Garden. And the boys had spaghetti. Foolish mother. Notice the white shirts. 

All in all it was a good time. Minimal tears and some smiles. We finished it off with Liam napping and JT And I sharing a McFlurry. 

Date your kids!

(But date your spouse more) 