
Day 1: potty training

This morning we had a meeting with JTs new teachers. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them JT use to be rocked to sleep for nap at his old school. He's going to realize just how spoiled he was. Thankful he goes to nursery at church in the same room as he will go to school. But it will be different teachers. 

When we got home we had the ceremonial burning of the diapers. Which really was us "throwing them away". He did really well all day. He peed in the pot more than the floor-  so well done. We are however running low on bleach.

I however have spent most the day in tears. It's sinking in that we aren't going back to Maryland. And it's sinking in just how much i miss everyone and have no one down here. Which is only made worse by the fact that my only non-child interaction is Brian and youth group. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go back to Maryland. I know this is where God wants us. And I am happy here. I live Dallas.  I also know that life on life relationships take time. And no relationship takes the place of previous- they are all different. 

Upon all of that, my sweet chubby baby is now 2. Can have full coversations with me, and is peeing on the potty. (Mostly) I still don't know why he was given to us. But I'm so thankful. 

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